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Paste and many other apps in one suite

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Free for 7 days, then $9.99/month.

Prices are in USD excluding VAT and can vary across different countries and regions.

One subscription, endless

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Paste and many other apps in one suite

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Free for 7 days, then $9.99/month.

Prices are in USD excluding VAT and can vary across different countries and regions.

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How the trial works

Try Paste on all your devices for free. Pay only if you′d like to continue.

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Download Paste on the Apple App Store.

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How the trial works

Try Paste on all your devices for free. Pay only if you′d like to continue.

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Download Paste on the Apple App Store.

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Try Paste on all your devices for free.

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Or cancel anytime.

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An app you never knew you needed

I get worried when I use a computer without @paste_app. What if there′s something important on the clipboard? It′s like how you can “hold” a piece in Tetris but you have to remember what it is.

Few things have had as much impact on my Mac workflow as @paste_app. It may look irrelevant, but think of how many times you copy/paste things over the course of a day — Paste makes this process a gazillion times better.

I′ve been using an app called @paste_app and it′s almost hilarious how much of a work flow improvement it is.

This is a must-have Mac app for me. I use it dozens if not hundreds of times a day. So useful!

Finally bought @paste_app and I’m really digging it. Great for code snippets, hex colors & links you frequently use.

Using a clipboard manager has become second nature for me (and a necessity as developer). Have tried a bunch. @paste_app is the best by far. Instabuy.

If you program and aren′t using one of these, you′re wasting time... Your time.

I′m a heavy @paste_app user for 3 years. Paste is core to my everyday workflows. Even while writing this tweet I′m using it. It provides me with superpowers and makes me crazy efficient. Every time someone sees me using it they go like, “Oh hey, what was that? I want that!”

Thanks to @paste_app, I was able to cut the time I would have spent on copying and pasting today by about 75%.

@paste_app is my new favorite Mac App! I don′t know how I went so long without it!

An app you never knew you needed

I get worried when I use a computer without @paste_app. What if there′s something important on the clipboard? It′s like how you can “hold” a piece in Tetris but you have to remember what it is.

Few things have had as much impact on my Mac workflow as @paste_app. It may look irrelevant, but think of how many times you copy/paste things over the course of a day — Paste makes this process a gazillion times better.

I′ve been using an app called @paste_app and it′s almost hilarious how much of a work flow improvement it is.

This is a must-have Mac app for me. I use it dozens if not hundreds of times a day. So useful!

Finally bought @paste_app and I’m really digging it. Great for code snippets, hex colors & links you frequently use.

Using a clipboard manager has become second nature for me (and a necessity as developer). Have tried a bunch. @paste_app is the best by far. Instabuy.

If you program and aren′t using one of these, you′re wasting time... Your time.

I′m a heavy @paste_app user for 3 years. Paste is core to my everyday workflows. Even while writing this tweet I′m using it. It provides me with superpowers and makes me crazy efficient. Every time someone sees me using it they go like, “Oh hey, what was that? I want that!”

Thanks to @paste_app, I was able to cut the time I would have spent on copying and pasting today by about 75%.

@paste_app is my new favorite Mac App! I don′t know how I went so long without it!

An app you never knew you needed

I get worried when I use a computer without @paste_app. What if there′s something important on the clipboard? It′s like how you can “hold” a piece in Tetris but you have to remember what it is.

Few things have had as much impact on my Mac workflow as @paste_app. It may look irrelevant, but think of how many times you copy/paste things over the course of a day — Paste makes this process a gazillion times better.

I′ve been using an app called @paste_app and it′s almost hilarious how much of a work flow improvement it is.

This is a must-have Mac app for me. I use it dozens if not hundreds of times a day. So useful!

Finally bought @paste_app and I’m really digging it. Great for code snippets, hex colors & links you frequently use.

Using a clipboard manager has become second nature for me (and a necessity as developer). Have tried a bunch. @paste_app is the best by far. Instabuy.

If you program and aren′t using one of these, you′re wasting time... Your time.

I′m a heavy @paste_app user for 3 years. Paste is core to my everyday workflows. Even while writing this tweet I′m using it. It provides me with superpowers and makes me crazy efficient. Every time someone sees me using it they go like, “Oh hey, what was that? I want that!”

Thanks to @paste_app, I was able to cut the time I would have spent on copying and pasting today by about 75%.

@paste_app is my new favorite Mac App! I don′t know how I went so long without it!

Do more by giving your clipboard a major update

There′s a certain quality to quantity.

© 2025 Paste Team ApS. All rights reserved.

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Do more by giving your clipboard a major update

There′s a certain quality to quantity.

© 2025 Paste Team ApS. All rights reserved.

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Do more by
giving your clipboard a major update

There′s a certain quality to quantity.

© 2025 Paste Team ApS. All rights reserved.

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.